Scrapping Fleets

More about Fleets

Playing Stars!

Scrap or destroy a fleet by merging it with a colony fleet or by choosing the Scrap Fleet waypoint task. Scrapping allows you to regain a percentage of the minerals used in the ship's construction and all the mineral cargo on board. This is a good way to get rid of ships built using a hull design that is no longer useful. You can scrap fleets at any planet or even in deep space.

The construction minerals you recover are added to the minerals at the planet where the fleet is scrapped. The percentage of minerals recovered depends on the following circumstances:

♦        Colonization mission -- leaves 75% of the minerals used in construction on the surface of the planet.

♦        Scrap Fleet at a starbase -- leaves 80% of the minerals used in construction on the surface of the planet.

♦        Scrap Fleet at any planet without a starbase -- leaves 33% of the minerals used in construction on the surface of the planet.

♦        Scrap Fleet in deep space -- all construction minerals are lost.

Ultimate Recycling Races
Races with the Ultimate Recycling trait recover 90% of the minerals and 70% of the resources when scrapping at a starbase. Scrapping at a planet gives 45% of the minerals and 35% of the resources.

Feeding Scraps to other Players

You can exchange technology with another player by scrapping a fleet at that player's planet. The other Player has the same chance of learning the technology as they would have if they'd met you in battle. They also get the recycled minerals.